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Java API

Composite Components in webforJ

Developers will often wish to create components that contain constituent components for application level use. The Composite component gives developers the tools they need to create their own components while maintaining control over what they choose to expose to users.

It allows developers to manage a specific type of Component instance, providing a way to encapsulate its behavior. It requires any extending subclass to specify the type of Component it intends to manage, ensuring a subclass of Composite is intrinsically linked to its underlying Component.


It's highly recommended to create custom components by utilizing the Composite component, rather than extending the base Component component.

To utilize the Composite component, start by creating a new Java class that extends the Composite component. Specify the type of Component you want to manage as the generic type parameter.

public class ApplicationComponent extends Composite<Div> {

Component Binding

The Composite class requires developers to specify the type of Component it manages. This strong association ensures that a Composite component is intrinsically linked to its underlying Component. This also provides benefits over traditional inheritance, as it allows the developer to decide exactly what functionality to expose to the public API.

By default, the Composite component utilizes the generic type parameter of its subclass to identify and instantiate the bound component type. This is based on the assumption that the component class has a parameter-less constructor. Developers can customize the component initialization process by overriding the initBoundComponent() method. This allows for greater flexibility in creating and managing the bound component, including invoking parameterized constructors.

The following snippet overrides the initBoundComponent method to use a parameterized constructor for the FlexLayout class:

public static class OverrideComposite extends Composite<FlexLayout> {

TextField nameField;
Button submit;

protected FlexLayout initBoundComponent() {
nameField = new TextField();
submit = new Button("Submit");
return new FlexLayout(nameField, submit);

Lifecycle Management

Unlike with the Component, developers do not need to implement the onCreate() and onDestroy() methods when working with the Composite component. The Composite component takes care of these aspects for you.

Should you need to access the bound components at the various stages of its lifecycle, the onDidCreate() and onDidDestroy() hooks allow developers access to these lifecycle stages to perform additional functionality. Utilization of these hooks is optional.

The onDidCreate() method is called immediately after the bound component is created and added to a window. Use this method to set up your component, modify any configurations needed, and add child components if applicable. While the Component class's onCreate() method takes a Window instance, the onDidCreate() method instead takes the bound component, removing the need to call the getBoundComponent() method directly. For example:

public class ApplicationComponent extends Composite<Div> {
protected void onDidCreate(Div container) {
// Add child components to the container
container.add(new CheckBox());
container.add(new Paragraph());
// ...

This logic can also be implemented in the constructor, by calling getBoundComponent().

Similarly, the onDidDestroy() method fires once the bound component has been destroyed, and allows for additional behavior to be fired on destruction should it be desired.

Example Composite Component

In the demo below, a simple ToDo application has been created, where each item added to the list is a Composite component, consisting of a RadioButton styled as a switch, and a Div with text.

The logic for this component is set up in the constructor, which sets styling and adds constituent components to the bound component using the getBoundComponent method, and adds event logic.


This could also be implemented in the onDidCreate() method, which would give direct access to the bound FlexLayout component.

This component is then instantiated and utilized in an Application, and allows for its use throughout various locations, making it a powerful tool in the creation of custom components.

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